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A Texas boy who grew up in Corpus Christi, Steven started playing guitar at the age of 14. “Playing guitar was just something I always loved to do. I became obsessed with it.” Unable to release his grip from the guitar, Steven moved to Houston in 1994. ”I didn't want to leave Corpus but there was just so much opportunity in Houston”, said Steven. “I was able to play music full-time for a living.” Steven has been touring and making music ever since as a full time musician. Soon after moving to Houston, Steven formed his band, The Rachels. As the main song writer in the group, The Rachels musical style relied heavily on Steven’s personal influence of a loud guitar sound. Although, some of his music is surprisingly eclectic. “I love all types of music”, said Steven. “Any music from any generation that catches my ear, I will listen to”. This open-mindedness enables him to create not just 80’s inspired rock but music in very different genres such as reggae, ska, country and pop. His diversity enables him to work with different producers and song writers, including Paula Deanda producer Mike Aguirre and writing two years for Clay Walker’s publishing company. During his time with The Rachels, they were signed with Six-Tone Records and released four original CDs: Buy American (1999), World of Dreams (2001), St Elmo Sessions (2003), and No Love Here (2006). Steven and The Rachels grew accustomed to playing four to five nights a week. They headlined many events such as the Houston Marathon (1999), the Houston Grand Prix (01), KLOL Holiday Ball, and the Astros opening day party (2000, 2004).
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